Monday was a trip into Copenhagen. In Copenhagen I was going to meet up with Caroline, another exchange student who had spent a year in America. I rode into the city with Niels Peter and he dropped me off in the center of town, right next to Nyhaven. I hurried up and purchased a ticket for the Operetta boat, but it turns out my haste wasn’t warranted. I spent the intermediary time in the circle nearby which in addition to having a bunch of painted elephants also had a wildlife photo exhibition. It was about Europe and preserving biodiversity – the photos and the animal facts were actually very very interesting.
The Operetta boat left at 11am. The tour was actually a little shortened I think, only about an hour, and everything was in Danish. In terms of the opera this wasn’t a problem. In fact they sang a few songs from Show Boat and Pirates of Penzance. Watching a young white Dane sing “old Man River” was pretty funny though. But in terms of the sight-seeing bit, and the commentary about the singers and the scenery, I’m certain I missed much. The singing was quite good, and it was fun to see the city from the canals in any event. Mostly the patrons were older people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies: people who seemed like they were patrons of the Opera and wanted to support the Copenhagen Opera festival. I’m pretty sure I was the only “tourist” on the boat. The locals seemed very used to the tour boats however, most ignoring us. Some were surprised by the Opera singers singing to them, and most played along good naturedly. Some of the younger folks on the beaches and canal sides put on a bit of a show with their waving.
The last time I was in Copenhagen it was nearly Christmas time, and I’ve never really seen the city in the sun, so that was pretty cool. It was a gorgeous day, and despite having little sleep the night prior, the wind and the sun presented a wonderful atmosphere.
From the Operetta Boat I decided to see the little mermaid. It’s a staple in Copenhagen, even thought I had accurately been warned that she is a bit underwhelming. The walk to the small statue was a little long, but I stopped in a park with a giant fountain nearby where I read more of War and Peace. The fountain was a women in a cart driven by two oxen. It was a pretty impressive fountain. Along the canal front there was an “urban beach”; it was very odd looking. I’m not sure if I’m really a fan of Danish style and utilitarianism. Around the little statue (who is apparently back from a sojurn in China) there is the predictable crowd of tourists.
I walked back from the Little Mermaid to the train station, stopping to take pictures of all of the elephants along the way. I met Caroline at the station and we headed to her sister’s flat uptown by the “lakes”. She is staying there overnight because shes flying to Switzerland to visit Noemie in the morning. The flat is gorgeous. Its old fashioned and quaint with wooden floors, a chandelier in the bedroom, and crown molding. I am a fan of crown molding. After dropping off her stuff we headed out to take a walk around the city.
We walked by the lakes and the royal gardens near Rosengord. I really wish American cities had as many parks as European cities. Places to sit and relax and hang out. Parks are a wonderful thing. After consulting the city map I had grabbed earlier we headed to SommarSko (Sommer Sho) Café. It was located across from some pricy shops and a tea room. We sat outside and both had salads. I had a goatcheese, olive, and tomato salad, and she had Nicose. After our delicious salads we headed to Agnes’ Cupcakes. It’s a bit like Georgetown Cupcake. I had a red velvet cupcake, and Caroline had a Giner one. We both tried each other’s, I also got a apple, mocha, and pistachio one to bring home. It was really messy because the cupcakes were just about covered in iceing. As we were sitting by the canal eating our cupcakes we watched the people and the boats go by. That was really very pleasant and enjoyable. Afterwards we headed back to the train station.
Tuesday morning I met Dennis at a nearby park. Or rather not so nearby. Its about 6km from Skegrie, in Vellinge. The park is part of a farm/restaurant/bed and breakfast which is renowned for being organic and selling organic food. It took me a bit to find Dennis, and I was covered in mud from the bike, but altogether we passed a plesant hour chatting. I decided to take a different route back however, and as such it took much longer – also I was not on the road, but mostly on dirt paths. I did pass a flower farm, which was very pretty, but I’m sure I biked another 7 or 8 km.
Returning home, everyone else was around, and was just waking up. I had a sausage because it was about 11:30, and after my morning’s ride I was starving. But then Neils Peter came downstairs and made bacon and eggs for everyone. Yummy. Later Julia and I went to another organic farm nearby which has a design shop and café. I had a chai tea latte, it was only okay, and a ginger cookie. I did order in Swedish though :p. I rode there and back on the back of Julia’s bike and it was a little bumpy. We had a really good time sitting and chatting.
When we returned I took the bike into Trelleborg and headed to Gustav Aldofs torg to meet Joakim, Sofie, and Daniella for dinner. We actually ended up eating at TGIFridays because they had the most open outdoor seating in Lillatorget. All four of us ordered Jack Daniels burgers and pepsi. Super dorky, I know. We spent almost four hours sitting over dinner, and then desert, which was icecream, or rather Fudge Brownie Mud Pie or something or other. It was pretty yummy. We talked again of everything and especially of old schoolmates. I finally took the bus back at 10:20, and then biked home from Trelleborg. I really wish they had had that bike path when I was here, that would have made life a whole bunch and a half easier, and I probably would have invested in a bike.
Thursday morning. I wouldn’t say I got up early, but I did awake at a reasonable hour, even if I did then proceed to sit on youtube and listen to Prarie Home Companion for another hour. Most of the morning was consumed with showering, organizing, and packing. I requested several people’s mailing addresses for postcards, confirmed my reservations at the hostel, looked up how to get to said hostel in Barcelona, discarded unnecessary papers, ect. It was quiet in the house because Niels Peter and Julia had gone off to work and school respectively. Marie Louise had had the night shift the night prior, and as such was sleeping. Lucas, per usual, was watching cartoon network and playing video games at the same time, periodically interrupting his work to jump outside on the trampoline where it was shaping up to be quite a beautiful day. After I took my shower, as I was eating breakfast, and as I was packing my lunch pack Lucas chatted with me on and off about the things he was building in his Lego game. He had built a house with a fireplace and was intermittently attempting to both build a boat and keep his wooden house from setting itself on fire by improving his fireplace.
I had a delicious breakfast of muslie, with all sorts nuts, dried fruit, and extra raisins with both yogurt and milk. It was pretty yummy. I also had a cup of Earl Grey Tea. Over breakfast I also made myself a couple of sandwiches with Limpa bread. I made four slices with butter, jam , and cheese, one slice of rye with cheese and liverpaste, and two slices of a wheat bread with butter, cheese, and sausage. I then put them all in the freezer so they would keep well. Pretty much I attempted to fit all of my favorite Swedish foods into one day.
Eventually I came downstairs about an hour before I had to leave with all of my things packed and ready to go. Lunch was a potato salad Julia made and meatballs. Unfortunately Julia was running a little behind, and even though my train did not leave from Copenhagen until 18:20 I needed to leave Skegrie at 15:36. So lunch was eaten quickly, and without much time for digestion.
I was met at Centralen by Sofie, Daniella, Patty, and Joakim. Joakim had brought with him a weeks worth of candy, salt licorice included! With only moderate train issues I was off to Copenhagen to catch my night train to Koln!
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